Tuesday 6 November 2012

Send It...Post It!

So good news!! The offer has been accepted!! We are making progress, we have a solicitor and mortgage organised, the next steps are just making sure things are hunky dory before hopefully we can move in before the end of this year. I always knew that 2012 would be a year to remember but I don't think I ever expected in my wildest dreams it could be as good as this!

Today I received this cute little card from my mum. The value of a letter is not one to be overlooked. Yesterday was an emotional roller coaster and my mum just knows how to put a smile on my face. Perfect timing and well needed.
I love this card and if all goes to plan I think I might to have this framed in the new house.

Every night I go to bed dreaming and wishing on happy ending...watch this space it's going to be a nerve racking couple of months!!!