Sunday 4 March 2012

Spring is on the way!

March has arrived and already we are 3 days in…where are the days going?! Today I managed to regain some creativity, which is fair to say has been lacking recently.  Instead of trying to look what I have in front of me I have been looking forward into the future and the exciting days to come.
Mother’s Day is two weekends away and making sure I am ready in plenty of time I have begun by making a card. Not satisfied with one design I have made two. 

Then on a creative roll I have experimented with a cross-stitch heart onto a paper red heart, an idea which was sprung from a design I saw on Pinterest.
This is a slow start to my creative flare being back in full force but it’s a start. Inspired I am saying thank you to my beautiful scented white lilies, which are on my side.  There is something about lilies which make me smile! 

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