Tuesday 7 February 2012

Beautiful Bunting

My flat is alive with bunting! I've been stitching together triangles all evening and I'm loving how they are turning out. 

How to make bunting - step by step

1. Make a cardboard triangle template - draw and then cut out until you are happy with your shape

2. Draw around the template on to fabric - cut out. Repeat until you have lots of triangles
3. Plain pieces if you choose can be decorated with off cuts which have been cut into the shape of hearts/ spots/ stripes

4. Once happy, pair up your triangles - face to face

5. Pin in place

6. Sew around the two long edges - leaving a small seam

7. Unpin and turn the right way out - you should now have a bunting piece. Repeat until you have the desired amount of bunting triangles and then you are ready to sew onto tape. 

8. I'm not at this stage yet, but I am planning on using bias binding and sewing the raw top seam of the triangle into the binding and stitching a straight line all across, making sure you leave enough binding at either end so it can be tied

9. Ta daaa....bunting!! I've got a lot more triangles to go but hopefully will be finished in the next couple of days. 

Looking for another princess up do for work today, I stumbled across LoveMaegan and fell in love with this simple and chic French braid up do. The video walks you through a step by step process and this is another simple braided style which is easy to achieve and looks amazing! It went down well today at work and has been in for the last 16 hours and is not showing any signs of falling out and still looks as good as it did this morning! Try it and fall in love! 

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