Wednesday 15 February 2012


I love challenges. Having goals to work towards is what motivates me to be creative and in a timly manner. Today I have been set lots of goals, many of these work related but I have also been set my first bespoke creative task. I have been asked to create a padded heart board, made of fabric, channeling Brigitte Herrod as a reference. The task is not easy, I have no idea even where to start, but I'm looking forward to what I can achieve.
Image from - Brigitte Herrod
Brigitte Herrod is new to me as an artist. After some research from trusty Google I'm hooked and also a little shocked that I have not come across her sooner! Maybe I have but have just not realised who I was looking at. Note to self to make more of a conscious effort to find the creator of things that inspire me!

I will be calling on Google again soon for some help with this project but am looking forward to working on something on a bigger scale and out of my comfort zone! Here's to pushing the boundaries!

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