Wednesday 8 February 2012

Just Go With It

If you've not watched this film and are looking for a easy watching, light hearted, funny romcom then this is a film for you. One of my favourite moments in this film is the scene below:

Katherine: I love your sense of humor - every dirty bit of it. I love your stories - always entertaining. I love that you secretly have a huge heart - it’s filled with kindness and humility, and I’m sure there’s blood. I just think that you’re a really nice person and I really love spending time with you.
Danny: You know what I love? How you just do everything for everybody else and you never expect anything back. I just love that you’re the only person I’ve never lied to in my life. I just trust you more than anybody in the world. You know every secret about me. I love your smile. That smile is the magic. It starts my day - that smile.

Do something amazing and share your smile with someone today. Make someones day a little brighter or maybe even your own, and who knows what that smile could turn into....

Smiling is infectious!
Smile and the world will smile with you!

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