Saturday 4 February 2012

❄ Snow ❄ Snow ❄ Snow!


It’s not often we get snow in England and I think a lot of the country thought we were in the clear this year but it soon caught up with us and today it started snowing!
I love snow. The white coating makes everywhere look magical and today I have been out in the faux fur and Uggs making the most of it. Unfortunately we don’t have a garden otherwise I would have had a made a snowman but skipping around town was enough for me today!
I have also been very greedy and indulgent and have been for two meals out. For lunch we went to The Greedy Greek and I had a very yummy falafel wrap and for tea we went to Zeugma a Turkish restaurant. I’ve never been to a Greek or Turkish restaurant before but I loved them both, the food was scrummy and I am well and truly stuffed!
I love food, always have, always will!

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