Tuesday 31 January 2012

Bye Bye January

Wow! One month down and February is just around the corner. January has been a fantastic month with some fabulous highlights and many firsts. 

To sum up... January is:
Best Enjoyed with: Soup, followed by cupcakes
Drinking: Cocktails and/ or wine and lots of it!
Wearing: a coat or anything vintage
Having a: Princess up do
Reading: James Corden autobiography - he still and always will have my attention!
Making: teddy bears and hearts. 
Sharing with: friends and babies

This would be my recipe for a boost in a cold and blustery January. Bring out your creative talent and have fun.
There have been many highlights for January and one I'm most proud of is my tiny teds...who ever knew sewing could be so fun, rewarding and simple! Thank you to my bargain sewing machine, best purchase of the month and quite possibly ever!

Monday 30 January 2012

Willing the words

Tonight I have been channeling words and I'm going to let them speak for themselves...
Maybe in the next couple of posts these words will come alive!

Sunday 29 January 2012

Dear Teddy Bear

One of the most popular gifts is a teddy bear. They have so much meaning and love inside them and from experience I know how much mine meant to me as a child growing up. You tell them your hopes, dreams and they are always there to comfort you through the tough times. It's amazing what you can share with a fabric toy!
Today these two teddy bears have been here for me. The joy I've had in sewing them has made today and made me smile. 
Following a simple pattern from Prima, I was able to create these two beautiful teds.
Us Two by A.A. Milne
Wherever I am, there's always Pooh, There's always Pooh and Me. Whatever I do, he wants to do, "Where are you going today?" says Pooh: "Well, that's very odd 'cos I was too. Let's go together," says Pooh, says he. "Let's go together," says Pooh.
So wherever I am, there's always Pooh, There's always Pooh and Me. "What would I do?" I said to Pooh, "If it wasn't for you," and Pooh said: "True, It isn't much fun for One, but Two, Can stick together, says Pooh, says he. "That's how it is," says Pooh.

Saturday 28 January 2012

A little bit of Vintage!

Today I went to my first Vintage fair. Held in the beautiful, grand Sheffield Town Hall, there was over 30 stalls of fabulous vintage wonders. Trying to be sensible and make my work pennies last to the next payday I treated myself to one gorgeous black and white dress c/o Vintage-Darling

 I was in complete ore of all the stalls, people, atmosphere and can’t wait for the next one in March. 
I ♥ Vintage. 
I ♥ Dresses. 
I ♥ Shopping.

Friday 27 January 2012

Today I'm loving...

Image C/O Marie Claire.com
They are in every magazine I’ve picked up recently and I’m loving the new SS12 collection. The mixture of pixelated geometric pastels, youthful and feminine lace with touches of modern black and white floral print is to die for. If I could inspire to own an outfit, this would be the one! And is perfect for this seasons youthful and delicate pastel doll trends. Think would look great also with Princess Braids.
This image and a fashion event I attended at Sheffield Hallam University today got me thinking; what trend/ era/ look am I or want to be and channel through as me. Do I want a wardrobe, which is all based on one unique style, or do I want to mix it up a bit with a choice of styles and themes or am I just happy buying and wearing clothes that I like and feel comfortable in? The answer, I don’t know. I think I might have to go shopping and find out! Or even give it a go myself....humm decisions!

Cupcakes & Cocktails

It’s all about the C…canapés, cupcakes and cocktails; the perfect trio for a Thursday evening.
Yesterday evening I went to a Cupcakes and Cocktails evening hosted by two local companies Fancie and Wig and Pen. A fun filled evening of smiles, giggles, cakes and booze.
The proof is in the pudding and also in the pics…
The starting point
Step 2, adding some fillings and cheeky surprise marshmallows
It's all about the icing...less is not more
Loving the finishing touches, can't beat some sprinkles and sparkles!
Ta daaa
The start of a Cosmo

Experimenting with sweet Earl Grey tea and juice.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Prima Ted

I have recently become a fan of reading Prima. Well I say reading, I just flick to the back and look at the craft section for inspiration of things to make and do. 
You can only then imagine how happy I was when I discovered their website and the wonderful bank of ideas they had on here too, including some fabulous patterns. 

Feeling like a change from hearts, I stumbled across a pattern for a 'quirky soft toy'. 
Now quirky is not really my style, but this pattern looked pretty simple and effective so I thought why not give it a go. 

The step by step guide was easy to follow and I got out my scissors, sewing machine and some pins and got going. 
Now I'm not saying that my attempt is as perfect or by any means complete but for a 10mins job for prep and sewing I think that is pretty good and I must say I am looking forward to finishing him off and maybe even making some friends... so thank you Prima!