Thursday 5 January 2012

Is a doodle art!?

 I spent 3hrs 30mins today in a meeting doodling (!) and yes I was listening and even taking notes! In fact it might be more than just a doodle as it spans across a whole side of A4...hey ho! The truth is if I have a pen and paper near me I have an urge, a passion to draw, doodle, scribble, 'make art' what ever you want to call it! 

My mum and even dad are both artistic, my mum more so. She installed this passion into me growing up. I would regularly spend hours daydreaming and creating masterpiece after masterpiece! I continued with my art up until A Level and even debated it as a Degree, but I had a new passion an ambition. The ambition you may be successful. Vague I know. I wanted the type of job which would allow me to wear a cute suit, heals and even carry a brief case! (My, I was a dreamer!) I didn't know at the time what this job would be but I knew that Art was not going to get me there.

Having spent 4 years at university reading Business Studies, I realised if I though about this right I could combine my love for Art with Business. Marketing for me does just that! 
One day you never know I might be dressed like 'Elle' from Legally Blonde, but for the time being I am loving what I am doing and wouldn't change it for anything! 
OK, maybe without the hat!
Continuing with some the doodling vibe, I have created the following cards today. 

These have been created in black gel pen, with the colour hearts being cut from off cuts of fabric. 
I'm not normally someone who boasts, especially about anything I have done...but I lurrrve the heart made up by heart (bottom right) and have even had a request from my fiances mum to make one for her. Yay!!

To finish the evening I did some more applique hearts - you can't go wrong!

Tonight I am ending on a tune! A tune which I love and has been stuck in my head all day and I am now listening to. I feel like it fits quite nicely; Heather Small - Proud. 
'What have you done today to make you feel proud?
It's never too late to try
What have you done today to make you feel proud?'

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