Wednesday 4 January 2012

Laugh till it hurts!


You've heard the saying 'dance like no one is watching' well I think that applies to laughing. Don't be embarrassed to laugh! Who cares if you have a deep snorting laugh or like me a high pitch squeak! Enjoy it , let it go! Laugh like no one is listening! Because the honesty is, that people are listening and like a smile, laughing is infectious!
I love the type of laughter which starts with an unexpected giggle and ends in a wide angle grin, aching sides and the odd tear! It's good to laugh and in my opinion people should do it more often! Life's too short to be serious all the time...let your hair down, have a good time, smile and most importantly let the good times roll!

As you might be able to tell, today has been a much better day than yesterday. And yes, I did laugh today until I cried and this has made me feel great!!

This feeling has transpired into my creativity this evening which unlike the gloomy, miserable weather outside, in my flat it feels like Spring!
This could also be down to the fact I made my first ever piece of bunting this morning and if might I add, before 8am! Pretty good going if I do say so myself (!) and the added aroma of a Spring smelling 'Vanilla Lime' Yankee Candle (a January sale present I bought for myself!) On side note I would recommend Yankee Candles to anyone, these are quite possibly my favourite candles. I digress, anyway...

Feeling like I was pushing winter away too soon, I decided that instead of carrying on with the bunting I would make this week the week of the heart

Today I have gone for the 'shabby chic' look by appliqueing off cuts of fabric which I have cut into hearts on to the centre of the bigger heart. I tend to work in bulk, so these will be finished off with ribbons, bows, buttons, sequins etc. later on.

To end tonight I want to end with the following image which I created of one of my all time favourite sayings which I have on display in my flat. The touch of glitter paint also makes me love this more!

Don't just read it...believe it!

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