Wednesday 18 January 2012

Positivity Counts!

Hopefully this is right!
Do you ever have days where you just want to curl up into a ball and sob till your hearts content? Well today is one of those days. So much for Blue Monday, more like Blue Tuesday! 
I view myself as a positive person and hate to come across down, upset, angry, moody or anything like that. I don’t mean I’m fake and put on a front, but I don’t take well to negativity.
Best way I can describe it, is like Tinkle Bell, from Peter Pan. When someone is being negative, moody, angry etc etc. well it’s like they are stealing my light (spark) and a little part of me stops glowing. 

It’s not the best way to feel, and I don’t want to offend in saying we have all been there but the truth is we probably have.
So that is what I am going to do…But before I do…some positivity to end!
Today I have been to Wetherby in North Yorkshire. I didn’t get to have a good mooch around as was there for a meeting, but I have to say just from driving through the town,past the shops, it looked like a friendly, quaint town.  I think you can tell a lot from a place based on the shops and the people. Maybe next time I will have time for a longer look around.
I am also excited today as I have arranged a date to go and see my friends new born daughter. I have a little box of gifts (as I didn’t have a hamper) and today I designed the card:

I love drawing. I did the outlines first in gel pen. At this point I never know whether to stop and leave it as black and white or to add colour. This time I went for colour as I think it’s best to be fresh and colourful for a new born baby! Overall I’m happy with the design and I’m happy in knowing that she won’t have any others like it!! 
Positivity Count!!! (in positive yellow)
Feel good movie: Miss Congeniality
Enjoyed with: Queen of Pudding!

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