Tuesday 17 January 2012

Heart within a Heart ♥

I'm going to admit it here now...I am and probably will always been a hoarder. Not anything too extreme, I just hate parting with things. You know the saying 'oh you never know when you might need it' or 'it might come in handy one day'...well I'm a full believer in that! 'waste not want not'!

I think it started as a child, something which has been installed into me growing up. I had lovely things but would always be saving them for a special occasion. But then that special occasion would never come. Well that's a lie, it probably did come and I then decided it wasn't worthy! Books, notepads, pens, paperclips, stickers, colouring books - all kinds, you name it - all too nice to use! Years later all these items which have never been used for sake of being too nice are still in their 'new' condition!

It's something which even now I am struggling to grow out of. Nothing extreme, I'm just saving it for a rainy day!

Recently making hearts, I have a lot of left over fabric/ off cuts. On this line of saving - I have kept a little bag of these off cuts on the basis that I might be able to make something out of the left over pieces. Well today I have made a start...

Mini hearts cut out of scrap pieces of material, arranged into a bigger heart. The plan next...I don't know! 
I think they look sweet how they have been arranged although this is currently on one of my stools and floor (not a permanent fixture), so here's to thinking of some more practical uses:
- stuck on a canvas
- create into greetings cards
- on other sewn items - padded hearts/ bunting/ cushions etc. 

If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them...

The fact is I probably have enough scrap material to be able to all of the above and more...so who knows I might have to just give it a go! 
Saving for a raining day, pays off! Though for the record it has not been raining today, I think it's too cold! It's more likely to snow before it rains! Burr! The faux furr is well and truly back out!
Don't just take my word for it!

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Never let it fade away
Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket
Save it for a rainy day

A story for another day but this song will always remind me of my Year 2 - Primary School, Nativity Play...oh happy memories

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