Sunday 1 January 2012

Happy 2012!!

A fantastic year has ended. 2011 you will always hold some happy memories, to name a few; a new job which comes with some beautiful new friends and exciting opportunities, my first festival at V, the Royal Wedding, a graduation, the purchase of my very first and own sewing machine and a new found love of faux fur, animal hats, Christmas jumpers and most importantly being creative! (you can tell it's winter!)

Inspired...yes! As a new year begins, I have decided to make 2012 the year that I just 'do' rather than think about doing and putting it off! Starting with this blog. 1 of 366 done!
The aim is to have fun, be creative, learning some new skills along the way and see were it all takes me. Positivity counts!! 

To quote Julia Roberts from the film Eat Pray Love, 'when you set out in the world to find yourself, sometimes you end up finding and helping tutti'. Tutti meaning 'everybody' in Italian...2012 lets see what we can do and most importantly ENJOY!! x

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