Monday 16 January 2012

Blue Monday - My Monday!

So today is Blue Monday, what is this all about?! Apparently this third Monday in January is allegedly the 'most depressing day of the year'. I'm no expert but it's not the most inspiring of titles to get you going on a cold winters Monday. It even left positive little me feeling a little glum! It's all about the positivity people! Why does everything have to be so negative and miserable.
Forget about those good intentions which you may have already given up, theres plenty of days left to diet, whats the worst that can happen...time is what you make of it. You don't need a title such as January to inspire you to be who you want to be. You can do that yourself! Well this is my ethos anyhoo!  

So I have made Blue Monday - my Monday! Work is back to its regular pase after the crazyness which was last week and I have also felt movtivated to create and sew - this movivation my friends! 

One of my best friends gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl last week - Ava Sophie. I have been gathering things for her to go in a hamper and have finished this today by making a heart especially for her. I can't wait to meet her soon.
I am also at that time in my life when my friends are starting to buy new homes with their partners -settling for the future. I dedicate to them a heart as 'home is where the heart is'

Today is not Blue Monday, today is about appreciating those who are close to you; family, loved ones and most importantly friends. Those friends who have and will be there for you through the thick and thin. Today is for you. I love you all x

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