Thursday 12 January 2012

Oh to be a Disney Princess!

Inspired by a fellow blogger last night and in need of a new up do, I set about testing out the above hair style this morning...the Princess Braided Up Do. It was much easier to achieve than I was expecting and I was made up with the result, which was perfect for a busy day in the office!
I had lots of lovely comments on my new do and it is something which I will definitely do again. 
If you are interested in becoming a princess too, check out eBeautyBlog! A fantastic blog with a step by step tutorial on this style and many more. This is sure to be a favourite of mine for the Spring.

I want hair like this!
Feeling the Princess vibe today, I came home and watched a feel good Disney movie which I had not seen before, Tangled. You can't beat a bit of Disney, they manage to do it time any again, no matter what your age they are great films to enjoy snuggled up on the sofa. And dare I admit it, this film made me well up and cry. There's something about scenes with a daughter and a father that make me well up and silent cry. The tears just roll down my cheeks. One day I will need to address why...but will need to start by plucking up the courage.
I'm sure the film will be making it's way to my long list favourites and may I say classics. 

Disney Classics
I've grown up with Disney and still remember the days when I would dance around my lounge with a pink umbrella, a bonnet and some net singing along with Mary Poppins. 

I believe in fairy tales and I hope one day mine will come true.

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