Friday 13 January 2012

Day of Reflection

Happy Friday 13th January 2012! The first of three Friday 13th in 2012 - April and July to come! I'm not superstitious about events that unfold on this date. I went to work today and it was like any other normal day. 

Today has been a day of reflection. Life is too short to be worrying about ifs, buts and maybes. If it's going to happen it will and there is nothing worrying can do to stop it. Who knows what the future has in store. Life is about now, living the moment, no enjoying the moment and the challenges which it throws your way. It's how and what you chose to accept which molds you into the person you are. I want to live life for now, which is why I set about doing this blog in the first place. So this is me, my thoughts, my opinions, my feelings - my life! 

I'll bring you flowers in the pouring rain
Did you know living without you is driving me insane
I'll bring you flowers, I'll make your day
The tears you cry, I'll dry them all away 

Hey, if I'm lucky maybe someone will bring me flowers! 

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