Saturday 7 January 2012

Inspiration...please come back! I need you!!

I can't believe how time flies! Only a week ago I was sipping champagne as the whole world was preparing to celebrate the new year! Now that nearly a week has passed...what can you say you have acomplished? 
I feel like I am off to a pretty decent start though some days I do struggle and today seems one of those. The first week back is always the hardest and this week has taken its tole, and boy am I sleepy!! 
Today I have spent the day reorganising my wardrobe...out with the old! Although in with the new will have to wait for now until I have a few more disposable pennies in my account! The piggy bank I got for Christmas is coming in useful!!

'You have a better life if you wear impressive clothes' Vivienne Westwood.

My creative genius is also sleepy, today I have put some finishing touches to some hearts, but no where near what I would have liked! Fingers crossed tomorrow will be a better day! Inspiration...please come back! I need you!! 

On a exciting note my beautiful friend is going into hospital tomorrow to be induced. Hopefully sooner rather than later she will be a new mother with a bundle of joy to hold dear. Wishing her and her family lots of love, success and happiness for now, tomorrow and the future.

1 comment:

  1. Reorganizing your wardrobe can be so nice a refreshing! I think I may need to do the same! Thanks for the inspiration!
