Tuesday 31 January 2012

Bye Bye January

Wow! One month down and February is just around the corner. January has been a fantastic month with some fabulous highlights and many firsts. 

To sum up... January is:
Best Enjoyed with: Soup, followed by cupcakes
Drinking: Cocktails and/ or wine and lots of it!
Wearing: a coat or anything vintage
Having a: Princess up do
Reading: James Corden autobiography - he still and always will have my attention!
Making: teddy bears and hearts. 
Sharing with: friends and babies

This would be my recipe for a boost in a cold and blustery January. Bring out your creative talent and have fun.
There have been many highlights for January and one I'm most proud of is my tiny teds...who ever knew sewing could be so fun, rewarding and simple! Thank you to my bargain sewing machine, best purchase of the month and quite possibly ever!

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