Saturday 14 January 2012

The year of the coat!

Are Saturdays the new Sunday?! Today may well have been! January is a tight month money wise, being paid early before Christmas means that this month seems a lot longer and tighter than last! However I still made a quick visit to town for some bargain shopping! What can I say a girl has to shop!

I've never been a fan of coats...that was until recently! I remember my first year at uni when I thought I was too cool and fashionable to wear a coat and also had more important things to spend my money on. Needless to say, not wearing a coat in Winter will make you ill! Now however, being a little older and wiser and having to travel to work by tram every day makes me appreciate how much I really do need a coat. Earlier this week I thought that Spring was well on it's way, but waking up to a frosty morning made me think otherwise!

I've bought a couple of new coats recently...I say a couple I am now on my forth! But they are all for different occasions (this is me trying to justify it). Today I invested in a duffle coat, and a lovely warm one. My theory is that this coat that will take me through from Winter into Spring as I can't really wear furr in Spring now can I!

I've also come to the conclusion that you should judge cost of clothing based on the cost per wear, not on the initial price tag. You might spend £60 on a dress for a special occasion and wear it once - cost per wear £60. Whereas £100 on a coat you will wear say 50 times (at least) - cost per wear £2 - bargain!!


I feel I have made the most of a lazy Saturday, buying a new coat, making 2 soups (Carrot & Corriander and Mexican Bean), having my hair cut and sewing 8 hearts!

Happy lazy Saturday to you all! Here's for a lazy Sunday!

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